Monday, May 13, 2013

Fu Xing Lu Bar

 A new Belgian bar on Fu Xing Lu in the former French Concession. The kind of place to read a weekend paper in its entirety and gently shitfaced while doing so.

Another of Rock Man's Rocks

This gives a sense of the dimensions...and the potential cost

Rock Man

Parked by the side of a road in Pudong, this truck is one of three belonging to a man from Anhui who has come sell "rocks" to Shanghai residents. His best hope, he told me, was to sell one of those beasts to a restaurant owner or some newly rich entrepreneur looking to fill his garden. The rock seller and his wife cook their meals on the truck, hang their clothing out to dry on the nearby trees, and spend most of their day sat in deck chairs waiting for some rock-loving millionaire to drive past. For the less monied, there's a selection of much more smaller rocks from which they can choose.