Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Underground Entrepreneurship

On a torrid summer’s day in Shanghai, the subway offers respite from both the humidity and pollution draped over the city. The subway is modern, efficient, clean, and a cheering contrast from New York’s system.

I noticed a young man sitting on a subway station floor, back to a structural support. In front of him was a large, clear plastic bag into which passing passengers sporadically dropped their empty water bottles. I watched for a while. He made no gestures of thanks, nor did he cajole anyone for contributions.

Several stations away, I witnessed a similar scene, albeit with marked differences. This time the bottle collector was older, 60 perhaps. His palpable optimism reminded me of a knife salesman, and he wheedled passengers into giving him their bottles. And unlike the young man, he took each bottle and crushed it, leaving room in his bag for even more.

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